As we change our calendar from 2009 to 2010, I can't get the movies the Wizard of Oz/THE WIZ out of my head... I see the Enemy, Satan like the wicked witch of the east angrily threatening... "and your little dog too..." But, the Devil is a LIAR! "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."

I am determined to "follow" (not the yellow-brick, but) "the red blood-stained road"... Come HELL or High-water I'm "off to see the WIZARD"... I'm going to discover every gift and calling GOD has for me in 2010, tap into my next dimension in the Spirit realm, pull down strongholds in my own life and build up bridges for other to cross over. I am committed to soul winning and mentorship (one on one and from the pulpit). I want to see Jesus (Yeshua=the one who will save, rescue and deliver) as Christ (Messiah=Anointed One= poured out Salvation) not only for me but for everybody I contact, and that's why I know the Devil ain't happy. I am guarding my self against negativity, strife, envy, whispers! I am making my self alive to "what so ever thing that are lovely, pure, and of good report"... And I invite you to all of fire and fervor for GOD and the KINGdom. Pray!

Dorothy, click your heels together and see that everything you need for the journey is already in you. 2 Peter 1:3; Philippians 1:6;

In Jesus' Name,

visit us at Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverwalk 225 E Coastline Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32205 or on the web at www.CalledOutBeliever.org


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